04-09-2020, 04:25 PM
Can parenting time ever be denied by the Court?
In most situations, children have the right to spend time with both parents, regardless of how you feel about each other. It is however, in the power of the court to deny or restrict visitation for various reasons. A common situation is where the court believes that the child might be in danger due to the visitation. The court can deny or restrict visitation if for example, the non-custodial parent:
Has molested the child;
Is likely to kidnap the child; or
Is likely to use illegal drugs or excessive amounts of alcohol while caring for the child.
In such instances, restricted visitation may be granted. Restricted visitation means that the visitation occurs only under supervision. A court judgment on visitation specifies the conditions of supervised visitation, and what role the supervisor should have. Unsupervised visitation is usually not allowed until after the offending parent completes an abuse prevention program and doesn’t become violent for some time.
The Court will only deny parenting time in the most extreme cases.
In most situations, children have the right to spend time with both parents, regardless of how you feel about each other. It is however, in the power of the court to deny or restrict visitation for various reasons. A common situation is where the court believes that the child might be in danger due to the visitation. The court can deny or restrict visitation if for example, the non-custodial parent:
Has molested the child;
Is likely to kidnap the child; or
Is likely to use illegal drugs or excessive amounts of alcohol while caring for the child.
In such instances, restricted visitation may be granted. Restricted visitation means that the visitation occurs only under supervision. A court judgment on visitation specifies the conditions of supervised visitation, and what role the supervisor should have. Unsupervised visitation is usually not allowed until after the offending parent completes an abuse prevention program and doesn’t become violent for some time.
The Court will only deny parenting time in the most extreme cases.